Dear family,
I'm so glad you got to go to the Weaver's homecoming, I can't believe how many people were there! It sounds like it was a very spiritual and powerful experience. I loved all the pictures. It was funny seeing the picture of you and Elder Lonas, my trainer, because in the mission, as my trainer, he also called is my 'parent.' So Elder Ferrin was my 'dad' and
Elder Lonas was my 'mom', and so the picture was my trainer mom and my real mom :)
Exciting news for this week in Washington was that Tiffany was baptized!! I'll send the pictures after this. It was an awesome baptism, and I'm just happy it all worked out so well because it was kind of a crazy week. We had all of lesson 4 (and now lesson 5) to teach her this week, so she took in quite a lot in a short period of time, but never faltered! It makes it easy when people are already living the
Word of Wisdom, agree with the
Law of Chastity, and are fine with the idea of
tithing. And I think it all stemmed from that special experience she had with Heavenly Father, through prayer. She showed a lot of faith, because her mom, who she lives with, was somewhat against the church. Although we also found out that Tiffany's grandmother is a member of the church! She's in her 80s now, and not active, but still interesting. Their whole family is from Germany. Tiffany is the only one of her siblings not born in Germany.
Tiffany's Baptismal service |
Anyway, we had a lesson with her on Friday with Abraham (a recent convert himself since January, he has come to several of the lessons) and her interview was that night. She called us after the lesson, but before the interview to tell us that she found out that lots of family were coming in town Saturday (her baptism day) to take her and her 3 year old daughter out for the three year old's birthday party. We kinda freaked out because now we had to re-plan when to have her baptism. The plan was for 11:00 am because there were 2 other baptisms at that time (two children the sisters taught, Thomas (9) and Emily (11), unbaptized children in a returning to activity family). We talked with our Bishop and Ward Mission Leader and rescheduled for 7:30 that night. It was a lot of work, but absolutely worth it.
Saturday was a hot day, approaching the 90s (hot for Washington...) but we had a sweet baptismal service. All of the members who were involved in the teaching process came to support her, and Tiffany even brought her two kids (Inez (4) and Tanya (3) ) and her mom! Elder Slavens got to be the one to baptize her, and
when she came out of the water, Tiffany's mom had tears in her eyes. Afterwards, the mom told us that she's been wanting all of her kids to be involved in church (any church) and one by one they are coming to. I think her heart was softened a bit and it was awesome to see her show support. Afterwards, Tiffany said she felt "
Her confirmation was a spiritual experience too, and she stayed for all three hours of church afterwards.
We are still working with K___. She is starting to have some more emotional struggles as they find out more about her sons's death. It is rather terrible. So she ended up smoking again this week, and she needs to quit before she is baptized. Her testimony and faith are there, she just need to do it. She came to our ward BBQ we had on Friday, and brought her friend and neighbor, who is less active.
J___ is also struggling with family life. Her oldest son is even more rebellious and their family is now being evicted. They are thinking about moving to Lakewood. They all came to the BBQ activity, which was awesome, and got to meet more ward members. The ward is friendly and different people reached out.
We are also teaching Renee, and a family in the ward invited her for dinner yesterday after church (which she came to!) We came too and taught her the
Plan of Salvation lesson. Renee is a thinker, and is talkative too. She has pure white hair, a sparky personality, all in 4'9" tall ha,ha. She already believes in a
pre-mortal existence and spiritual creation, but has some other different ideas. She like to share her various spiritual experiences she's had. We are focusing on the
Book of Mormon with her. If she can know it is true, the rest follows.
First Blackberries of the season |
Another newer investigator is Cleo. She's older too, and has her grand-niece Annabelle living with her. Cleo came to the BBQ and even brought her daughter. Cleo has a lot of background with the church and is familiar with some of our teachings. But she's never really met with missionaries, so it is fun teaching her. She too is open to the
Book of Mormon and just needs that spiritual witness. She came with Annabelle to church Sunday for her first time and stayed all 3 hours (quite a commitment for new investigators ha, ha).
Interesting things while knocking on doors |
So, a lot is going on in Soundview! The sisters have another baptism this weekend (hopefully Kathy can make it too) and then it is time for transfers again! President Blatter has his hands full while he interviews every missionary and decides where we should be. I would be very content staying in Soundview for a fourth transfer, and with Elder Slavens for a second. But we will see what God wants for me!
A Bicycle selfie? |
Life moves on at an ever increasing rate. I read this morning the talk from
President Uchtdorf about being
grateful in any circumstance. Despite the troubles around us, our personal or family worries, we can rest assured in our soul that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that salvation comes through His loving Atonement. God bless all of us as we strive to follow His happy path back to our Heavenly Father.
An addition to Tommy's collection of Washington cat pictures |
Elder Webber
Scriptures: I've been in Paul's epistles to the Corinthians :)
1 Corinthians 13:11-13 (in this life we see through a glass - foggy, unclear, not the whole picture; but in the next life we will know God as well as He knows us) (this was one of Elder Lonas' favorite scriptures)
2 Corinthians 3:18 (Through the Spirit of God we can be changed from glory to glory until we are in the same image as the Lord - His promise to the faithful that we can be like Him).