Hello family,
I'm glad you all had a great Thanksgiving with all those missionaries. I'm sure they had a blast being all together. I thought about you guys quite a bit on Thursday and missed you. We had a really fun day though. We went to our ward Turkey Bowl with 6 of us there for a game of 3 on 3 football ha, ha. Then, later we went to TWO Thanksgiving dinners; one with the Warner family and one with the Recinos family. We had the Spanish missionaries with us at the Recinos home. Lots of good food. We then went to Ginger and her family for pie and dessert and played some games.
With transfer meeting this week it was weird to
see all those sister go home that I had come out into the mission with. They all spoke with such power as they gave their final testimonies. I think I learned this week why sisters serve for 18 months and elders for 2 years. It just takes us 6 months longer to learn all that we need to on our missions. I am extremely grateful for these next 6 months ahead of me. I need it because I can be really stubborn with some things. A lot of my studies have been on the Atonement (see Elder Bednar's talk from April of this year titled, "
Bear Up Their Burdens With Ease") I feel that there is some part of Atonement that I still do not understand but I really want to. I'm sure my trials are meant for that lesson to be learned.
During the sacrament on Sunday I cam across a hymn I had never read before and it meant a lot to me. It's called "
The Time is Far Spent" #266:
1. The time is far spent; there is little remaining
To publish glad tidings by sea and by land.
Then hasten, ye heralds; go forward proclaiming:
Repent, for the kingdom of heaven's at hand,
Repent, for the kingdom of heaven's at hand.
2. Shrink not from your duty, however unpleasant,
But follow the Savior, your pattern and friend.
Our little afflictions, tho painful at present,
Ere long, with the righteous, in glory will end,
Ere long, with the righteous, in glory will end.
3. What, tho, if the favor of Ahman possessing,
This world's bitter hate you are called to endure?
The angels are waiting to crown you with blessings!
Go forward, be faithful, the promise is sure.
Go forward, be faithful, the promise is sure.
4. Be fixed in your purpose, for Satan will try you;
The weight of your calling he perfectly knows.
Your path may be thorny, but Jesus is nigh you;
His arm is sufficient, tho demons oppose.
His arm is sufficient, tho demons oppose.
Especially that last verse. It is true that Satan knows perfectly the callings we have and the potential for good, so he does all he can to try us and make us fail. But we know that the power of Jesus Christ is sufficient to carry us through. We just need to rely on His enabling, strengthening power.
As far as the work goes, Faith came to church again! We taught her the
Plan of Salvation on Saturday at Bishop Byron (the Brownsville ward Bishop where she lives). And the Suggs came of course since they are her fellowship and bring her to church every week. And - MIRACLE - her grandparents heard about the goal of December 27th for her baptism and immediately bought plane tickets to come up for it. Faith's mom asked to make sure the date was solid so their whole family can be there :) So we are happily moving along.
Snow in November |
We had a good lesson with Jolene and the Barretts came, they are awesome fellowship. Jolene knows it is true, she even had another dream and told us she wants her family to be
sealed in the temple! But she doesn't want to stop going to her church. We're hoping she'll come to testimony meeting this Sunday.
Lastly, our recent convert June came to church again! She had been starting to slip away but the Relief Society brought her back. She came last week and again yesterday. She even got a calling to teach in the Primary which she is really excited about. She introduced us to a new family in her apartment complex we'll hopefully start teaching.
It has become cold in Washington, but Christmas is nearing. Everyone check out the video "He Is the Gift" on
Christmas.mormon.org it is amazing we are sharing it with everyone!
Love you all
Elder Webber
Helaman 14:8, 13-19